a breeding farm for icelandics
Please come to see and try our geldings; they are all professionally trained and vary from 4 totally bombproof ones to gradually more exciting ones; Arvid and I, searched for their very special dams and sires in Europe in 1989 and imported them. All have been raised by us, slowly trained to do everything. They ride in the river that runs on our 100 acre farm in Buellton. They load, they offer their feet for the farrier, they have always lived in herds, aren't scared by dogs chasing them, cars, trucks, tractors, jumping hoses,bicycle riders, the beach, beach buggies, kites, flags, flapping tents et cetera and go calmly under viaducts with freeways racing by overhead. No one costs more than $9,500, some quite a bit less.
Schmalztopf breeding stock was carefully chosen in Europe for their line breeding capabilities with attention to excellence in all five gaits of walk, trot, tolt, canter and flying pace. Schmalztopf is perhaps the only breeding farm on this continent, paying acute attention to producing stock for the breeders of the future. Schmalztopf is able to provide Icelandic breeding horses that are proven to produce gaited offspring that are of consistent quality, conformation, and size. Many of the gaited horses at this Icelandic breeding farm appear to be virtual clones of each other. The immediate ancestors of our imports have honor prize mares as well as stallions for parents and grandparents. This distinction, very rare among mares, but are not so difficult for a good stallion to achieve, if he is bred to enough mares. One of the Schmalztopf stallions, Odinn frá Søtofte, was purchased in Denmark before his birth. His dam is the ONLY mare outside of Iceland, earning an honor prize, because of her consistent and numerous first prize offspring. Both her dam and her sire were also honor prize individuals in Iceland. A prospective Icelandic horse breeder would be hard-pressed to find this depth of breeding strength on this side of the Atlantic.
Schmalztopf has been breeding gaited Icelandics since 1989, and has been in the
breeding business for over 30 years. They think the tolting Icelandic horse is
without doubt one the best of all horses breeds, and that with
the addition of the tolt and pace gaits, it a breed that is fun to own for
beginners as well as expert equestrians. The desire to have one's horse
continually improve in his four or five gaits is a constant impetus to
improve one's horsemanship. There just doesn't seem to be another breed
out there where the fun of informal trail riding can be combined with
the constant schooling for improvement of the gaits. The Icelandic horse
makes his rider want to learn to give better aids, because a good
Icelandic horse is always ready to give more of himself and to try harder
He is a horse, when treated with respect, who has great pride and
intelligence. The Icelandic approaches the dog intellectually.
They interact socially much as does the human. Their social structure is
amazing to observe. Perhaps that is why it is so popular to have a herd
of Icelandics, whether it be large or small.
The training program at Schmalztopf emphasizes modern non-force
techniques which produce a confident, willing, and secure mount. The
youngsters are handled carefully so as they learn to be respectful to
the lead brood mare, as well as the human. They are raised in herds and learn to pay constant attention to their rank. Thus training comes quite naturally to most of
them. A well trained horse is one who knows how to pay constant
attention. A good trainer and rider must learn to do the same. This
takes a lot of work and practice on everyone's part.
Please call Nancy or Arvid Schmalz at 805-693-9876...Buellton is 40 minutes north of SantaBarbara, California in the Santa Ynez Valley. Their farm is a one-hundred acre tree shaded paradise of irrigated pastures on the banks of the Santa Ynez River, the first farm on the right,
going west on Santa Rosa Road, a US 101 exit, for Buellton.

nancy and arvid schmalz
a breeding farm for icelandics
on the santa ynez river
9499 santa rosa road
buellton, california 93427 (805) 693-9876 fax: 693-9886